Human Identity as Freedom Statement in the Philosophy of Child Education




community of inquiry, freedom, philosophy for children, axiology, personality, philosophy of child studies


The purpose of this article is to reveal the specific features of personality-oriented education and to consider how a person, being in dialogue with another person, can declare freedom only by an act of own free will.

To achieve the goal set, the authors have used a set of theoretical and empirical methods of analysis, description, comparison, extrapolation, synthesis, hermeneutic methodology, and a method of implication. Cross-sectional studies and case studies have also been used at the intersection of philosophy and psychology.

It is emphasized that in the Ukrainian framework of the representation, this problem demonstrates the following – the “old” system of education, formed on the principle of necessity, has demonstrated its inef- fective mechanism of action through a system of prohibitions and oppression. The “new” system of educa- tion, built on the principle of freedom, relies on its effectiveness, rejecting necessity and eliminating com- pulsion. However, the methodological error of creating something new by destroying the old and ineffi- cient is becoming more and more evident.


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Author Biographies

Nadiia ADAMENKO, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Her areas of interest include practical philosophy, philosophy of education, methods of teaching philosophy. Adamenko is the author of more than 50 publications. Recent publications: “Trust: The Creating of the Communicative Existential Space” (co-authored with Liudmyla Oblova), “‘Ethical Inquiry’ in the Class-Based on M. Lipman’s ‘Philosophy for Children’ Program”, “Philosophy for Children: What is Creativity and How to ‘Think Outside the Box’?”

Liudmyla OBLOVA, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Her areas of interest include metaphysics, practical philosophy, philosophy of education, methods of teaching philosophy. Oblova is the author of more than 90 scientific publications. Recent publications: “Trust: The Creating of the Communicative Existential Space” (co-authored with Nadiia Adamenko), “Conjuncture of Forced Good. The Value of the Contemporary”, “Personal Ethics of Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev”.

Olena ALEKSANDROVA, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD, Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Her areas of interest include social philosophy, philosophy of history, philosophical anthropology, social psychology, theories of social, class and ethnic conflicts, problems of social partnership. Recent publications in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science: “Methodical Tools for Security Level Diagnostics of the Modern University’s Activity”, “Dialogue of Generations as Communicative Dimension of Bread Culture Semantics in the Ukrainian Sacral Tradition”, “Uncertainty as a Regular Feature of Modern Ukrainian Society”.

Lana KHRYPKO, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Interested in axiology, culturological studies, ethnic studies, philosophy of education. Khrypko is the author of more than 100 publications. Recent publications in journals indexed in Web of Science: “Philosophy of a Name: Ukrainian Context”, “Philosophy of a Surname: Ukrainian Context”, “Geo-policy and Geo-psychology as Cultural Determinants of Ukrainian Religion, Mentality, and National Security”, “Dialogue of Generations as Communicative Dimension of Bread Culture Semantics in the Ukrainian Sacral Tradition”, “Solitude as a Problem of Human’s Mature Choice”.

Oksana MAKSYMETS, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, the Head of the Department of Social Science and Humanities, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University. Her areas of interest include aspects of research of historical word-formation of the Ukrainian language. Maksymets is the author of more than 20 publications. Recent publications: “Development of Formulation and Quality Assessment of Fast-Cooking Grain Composition for Pregnant Women”, “Formation of Efficient Communication Skills in the Process of Language Training of Future Professionals”, “Development of the Suffixal Word Formation Subsystem of Nouns with Transpositional Means of Objectified Action (Formation with Zero Suffix of Masculine Gender)”.

Katerina PASKO

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, Educational-Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Sumy State Pedagogical University, named after A. S. Makarenko. Her areas of interest include the influence of extrapolation of values of modern society on the development of personality, psychology of religion, art therapy, the catatonic imaginative psychotherapy method. Pasko is the author of more than 65 publications. Recent publications: “Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis in Single Reflection Field”, “The Features of Mobilized Military Personnel’s Stress Resistance”, “Future Teachers’ Conflict Competence as a Psychological Problem”.

Alla ISHCHUK, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology, Faculty of Foreign Philology, and Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Interested in axiology, linguoculturology, philosophy of language, philosophy of education. The latest publications including the ones indexed in Web of Science: “Philosophical transformation of the heroic concept: the role of education and art in the formation of the “heroic personality””, “Dialogue of Generations as Communicative Dimension of Bread Culture Semantics in the Ukrainian Sacral Tradition”, “Cybercrime as a Discourse of Interpretations: the Semantics of Speech Silence vs Psychological Motivation for Actual Trouble”.


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How to Cite

ADAMENKO, N., OBLOVA, L., ALEKSANDROVA, O., KHRYPKO, L., MAKSYMETS, O., PASKO, K., & ISHCHUK, A. (2021). Human Identity as Freedom Statement in the Philosophy of Child Education. WISDOM, 20(4), 113–125.




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