On the Importance of Philosophical Principles to the Social Concept of Global Constitutionalism


  • Vitaliy GONCHAROV Kuban State Agrarian University Named after I. T. Trubilin
  • Jacek ZALESNY University of Warsaw
  • Sergey BALASHENKO Belarusian State University
  • Grigory VASILEVICH Belarusian State University
  • Artem PUKHOV Belarusian State University




global constitutionalism, social concept, development, philosophical principle, ontological, epistemological, axiological, methodological, person, philosophical law


This article is devoted to the study of the role and place that philosophical principles play in the formation and development of the social concept of global constitutionalism.

The objective defined is to analyze the significance of philosophical principles in global constitutionalism as a social concept.

In the research, the author concretized and substantiated the concepts (1) of philosophical principles in social concept, (2) basic philosophical principles of the social concept of global constitutionalism (of development; of cognizability of the world; of the material unity of the world; of the unity of the historical and logical; of ascent from the abstract to the concrete), (3) global constitutionalism as the dominant interpretation of social reality.


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Author Biographies

Vitaliy GONCHAROV, Kuban State Agrarian University Named after I. T. Trubilin

(PhD in Law) is Associate Professor of Department of State and International Law, Kuban State Agrarian University Named after I. T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russia, member of the editorial board of the journal Culture and Art. His areas of interest include philosophy, theoretical economics, political science, constitutional law. Goncharov is the author of 10 monographs and 180 scientific articles. The list of recent publications involves “View of the Social Concept of Global Constitutionalism on the Legal System”, “Model of the Evolution Social Development in the Philosophy of Global Constitutionalism”, “Global Constitutionalism: Social and Philosophical Analysis”.

Jacek ZALESNY, University of Warsaw

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Law) is Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, Scientific Secretary of the journal Studia Politologiczne. His areas of interest include philosophy, political science, constitutional law. Zalesny is the author of a large number of monographs and scientific articles. Recent publications: “View of the Social Concept of Global Constitutionalism on the Legal System”, “Model of the Evolution Social Development in the Philosophy of Global Constitutionalism”, “Parlamentaryzm w świecie współczesnym. Między ideą a rzeczywistością” and “System konstytucyjny Białorusi”.

Sergey BALASHENKO, Belarusian State University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Law) is Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. His areas of interest include philosophy, law. Ba­la­shen­ko is the author of a large number of monographs and scientific articles. Recent publications: “Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the Belt and Road”, “Legal Guarantees and Implementation of the Principles of Gender Equality”, “Environmental Law of the European Union. General Part”, “Legal Regulation of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources in the Republic of Belarus”.

Grigory VASILEVICH, Belarusian State University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Law) is Professor, Head of the Department of Constitutional Law, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. His areas of interest include philosophy, law. Vasilevich is the author of a large number of monographs and scientific articles. Recent publications: “Right. Person. State”, “Current Trends in Combating Corruption in the Republic of Belarus at the Present Stage”, “Ideological Component of the Legal Policy of Belarus”, “Citizens and Civil Society Institutions as Subjects of Anti-Corruption Measures”.

Artem PUKHOV, Belarusian State University

(PhD in Law) is Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. His areas of interest philosophy, law. Pukhov is the author of a large number of monographs and scientific articles. Recent publications: “Criminal Law Protection of Veterinary and Sanitary Safety”, “Criminal Law Course”.


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How to Cite

GONCHAROV, V., ZALESNY, J., BALASHENKO, S., VASILEVICH, G., & PUKHOV, A. (2020). On the Importance of Philosophical Principles to the Social Concept of Global Constitutionalism. WISDOM, 16(3), 78–90. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v16i3.332




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