Civilization – Progression or Regression?
civilization, evolution, progression, regression, nature, human dissolution, cyborgAbstract
This paper is aiming to raise the awareness of the readers to think about the world they are living in and encourages them to effectively separate the progression from regression. The writing is based on analysis of the pictures which accurately help the reader to get the main points and ideas. Nothing can be more effecttive and obvious for people to get the right point then an immediate visual reference. By referring to the different works or sayings of Aristotle, Plato, Einstein and Goodfrey-Reggio I tried to highlight and bring the attention of the audience to the actual dangers that exist in our world that can very soon cause a dissolution of human race, because of ongoing progression and greediness. People always tend to progress and get much more civilized then they are and on their way they never take a moment to think about the side effects and regressive consequences. The success causes blindness and makes people more avaricious. Accordingly, we need to take a pause and by analyzing all of the negative side-effects of ongoing progression try to save the planet from being destroyed.
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3. Einstein. (1949, April-May). Liberal Judaism 16 . (A. Werner, Interviewer)
4. Goodfrey-Reggio/ Powaqqatsi Review. (2013-2014). Retrieved May 1, 2014, from Dialogue Talk: http://dialoguetalk. org/godfrey-reggio/powaqqatsi/
5. The Cave. In Plato, The Republic.
6. Fgure 1. Fred on Evolution. (2012, Octo¬ber 4). Retrieved May 1, 2014, from Apocal-ypse
a. Cometh: fred-on-evolution/
7. Figure 2. Entertainment: Is Gen Y the Outsource Generation? (2012, August 7). Ret¬ri-eved May 1, 2014, from Kiki Tea:
8. Figure 3. Wolf, M. (2014, February 4). If robots divide us, they will conquer.
Retrieved May 20, 2014, from Colum¬nis¬ts:
9. Figure 4. Albert Einstein. (2013, October 12). Retrieved May 23, 2014, from God is Heart:
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