Religion and Law in the Post-Secular World: Cooperation Between the State and Religions in Legislative Activities


  • Alexey OVCHINNIKOV Southern Federal University
  • Marina FOMINSKAYA Stavropol Institute of Cooperation (branch) of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law
  • Anna KONOPIY Southern Federal University
  • Anton VASILIEV Altay State University



State-religion relations, law and religion, legal policy, lawmaking, legal doctrine, legal values


Because the post-secularity gradually becomes customary and shared by everyone, the authors conclude that it is necessary to recognize the important role of different religions in the lawmaking. The article attempts to analyze the influence of religious views and ideas on the modern law, including the impact of different religions on the modern legislative process. An important conclusion that the authors come to is that existing religions remain one of the most effective and active subjects of the civil society. Their role in the humanization of law remains traditionally significant, and the exclusion of religions from lawmaking during the period of theomachy in the USSR had a negative impact on the national legal culture and legal mentality of the Russian people.


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How to Cite

OVCHINNIKOV, A., FOMINSKAYA, M., KONOPIY, A., & VASILIEV, A. (2022). Religion and Law in the Post-Secular World: Cooperation Between the State and Religions in Legislative Activities. WISDOM, 24(4), 160–171.




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