Text-Transforms – the Communicative Paradigm Basis of a Literary Work


  • Lesia Syniavska Odesa National I.I. Mechnikov University. Odesa, Ukraine
  • Viktoriia Kolkutina National University  “Odessa Law Academy”. Odesa, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Pohrebennyk National Pedagogical University named after M.P.Drahomanov. Kyiv, Ukraine




artistic communication, communicative paradigm, text, text-transform, text-reference


The article introduces and investigates the concept of a "text-transform" based on the novel and short-novel plots of the drama works of the Ukrainian dramatists of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The text-transform is defined as a message by a different author, with a different structure, different code, composition, and fable, sometimes, with a different system of images. This research paper also looks at the different levels of transformations: dramatization, adaptation, and a based-upon play. The early 20th century sees actualization of the secondary communication strategy, when in the process of transformation of the narrative elements, dramatists exploit the strategy of preservation, shortening, expanding, and changing text blocks. It is determined by the theatre-specific process and pragmatic orientation on the stage manifestation. Meanwhile, expanding and changes are aimed to explicate and intensify the current and preserved relationships between the characters in the text-transforms. 


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Author Biographies

Lesia Syniavska, Odesa National I.I. Mechnikov University. Odesa, Ukraine

(Dr.), a Doctor of the Sciences in Philology, associate professor of the Department of Modern Literature at Odesa National I.I. Mechnikov University (Odesa, Ukraine). The area of her research interests includes communication, ancient theatre, Ukrainian drama of late 19th – early 20th centuries. Dr. Syniavska is the author of 1 monograph and 41 research articles. Her most recent publications are as follows: “Society for Cultural and Scientific Progress in Central and Eastern Europe, Humanities and Social Sciences in the Era of Globalisation”, “Peculiarities of artistic communication in the drama text”, “ “Enliteraturing” as a feature of the new drama in the European fiction in the assessment by Lesya Ukrainka”, and “Artistic communication as a type of communication”.

Viktoriia Kolkutina, National University  “Odessa Law Academy”. Odesa, Ukraine

(Dr.), a Doctor of the Sciences in Philology, associate professor of the National University  “Odessa Law Academy” (Odesa, Ukraine). The area of her research interests includes communication, problem of literary hermeneutics in the aesthetic-ontological dimension, literary essayism. Dr. Kolkutina is the author of 2 monograph and 53 research articles. Her most recent publications are as follows: “Ideological and hermeneutic aspects of the world outlook-vestnikovets”, “The article examines the idea of statehood as a conceptual basis of publicism of Dmitry Dontsov”, “Literary hermeneutics Dmitry Dontsov: aesthetic-national vector”, and ”The image of Ukraine in journalism in 20-30 years of the XX century: the national dimension“.

Volodymyr Pohrebennyk, National Pedagogical University named after M.P.Drahomanov. Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD (Philology), Head of the Department of Ukrainian Philology of the Faculty of the Ukrainian Language and Literature at National Pedagogical University named after M.P.Drahomanov (Kyiv, Ukraine).

The area of research interests includes literary imagology and communication, connections between Literature and Folklore, problems of the Ukrainian Literaterary development (XIX-XXI cc.) and others.

Pohrebennyk is the author of 12 monographies and more than 800 research articles. His most recent publication are as follows: "Folklorism of the Ukrainian Poetry (XIX-XX cc.)","Ukrainian Literature of late 19th - early 20th centuries" (in 2 books), "A Coryphaeus: I.Karpenko-Kary", "Anti-totalitarian Discourse of the Ukrainian Fiction of the XX-th century: the Tragedy of Holodomor", "World-weapon: Literature in the Сreative Heritage of R.Oliynyk-Rakhmannyy".


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How to Cite

Syniavska, L., Kolkutina, V., & Pohrebennyk, V. . (2021). Text-Transforms – the Communicative Paradigm Basis of a Literary Work. WISDOM, 15(2), 56–67. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v15i2.367




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