Art as Inner Knowledge: Dino Valls




Dino Valls, Carl Gustav Jung, active imagination, psychology of art, surrealism, figurative painting, avant-gardes, esotericism, syncretism, unconscious


The marriage between painting and psychology is certainly propaedeutic to inner research as well as to artistic expression tout court. The contemporary Spanish painter Dino Valls falls within this perspective as his art is utterly bipolar and focused on the two sides mentioned above: on the one hand the expressiveness supported by an outstanding technique, a broad cultural background and a downright innovative style, on the other hand, the search for oneself through the Jungian tool of active imagination. Through the latter, the painter investigates his inner world, testing himself in an extremely original and fascinating “psychoanalysis through art”.

The intent of this paper is twofold: firstly it intends to highlight the prominence of Dino Valls in the contemporary world art scene highlighting both his relationship with the Surrealist heritage, and his Jungian matrix, real foundation of his inspiration; secondly the paper aims to cast light on the concept of inner investigation, which turns to be the aim and the motor of his whole artistic commitment, giving art an utterly philosophical purpose.


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How to Cite

GIULIODORI, L., NOTINA, E., & BYKOVA, I. (2022). Art as Inner Knowledge: Dino Valls. WISDOM, 24(4), 217–225.


