Quantum Physics and Perennial Philosophy: Mirrors of Knowledge


  • Lucio GIULIODORI Rudn University




Perennial Philosophy, Quantum Physics, Entanglement, Consciousness, Perennialism, Traditionalism, Renaissance Philosophy, Oriental Philosophy


The core of what is defined as Perennial Philosophy is established by ancient traditions of metaphysical thought, which though arising from the most various historical contexts from East to West, outstandingly share some fundamental truths such as the mutual interrelation of all things. Even more astonishingly, however, is how these various truths which spread among different cultures, are currently backed up by the insights of contemporary physics.

This paper aims at underscoring how undeniably compelling, yet uncanny this bond is, primarily on the plane of knowledge, a broader knowledge substantiated by science and philosophy - the two, speak here an unknown language, yet with the same voice: the incommunicability of their truths overlapping with the incommunicability of their real experiences.

Grappling with the dazzling disclosures of these “mirrors of knowledge” is as fascinating as unavoidable. This study takes into account some of them, by uncovering how crucial they are both for the present, and the (albeit acknowledged by the past wisdom) future understanding of the reality we are entangled with.


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Author Biography

Lucio GIULIODORI, Rudn University

(PhD in Philosophy) is a Senior Lecturer at RUDN University, Moscow (Russia). His areas of interest include avant-gardes (futurism, surrealism, and metaphysics), Italian studies, and perennial philosophy. Recent publications: “Surrealism Between Psychological Investigation and Artistic Commitment” (2020), “The Vision and the Enigma: Nietzsche’s Aura in De Chirico’s Art (2020)”, “Thin­king Beyond, Living Beyond: Futurism” (2020).


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How to Cite

GIULIODORI, L. (2021). Quantum Physics and Perennial Philosophy: Mirrors of Knowledge. WISDOM, 18(2), 37–47. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v18i2.451




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