Philosophical and Historical Aspects of the Problem of the Formation of the Informational-Educational Space


  • Natalya IVANUSHKINA Samara National Research University
  • Olga DONINA Ulyanovsk State University
  • Irina ARYABKINA Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University
  • Galina ZHARKOVA Ulyanovsk State University
  • Julia CHERNOVA Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin
  • Natalya GALIAKHMETOVA Izhevsk State Medical Academy



educational space, informatization, digitalization, informational-communicational technology, information society


The purpose of this article is to analyze philosophical and historical approaches to the problem of the formation of the informational-educational space in connection with the emerging social need for a wider use of informatics tools for the formation, storage and use of various types of socially significant information.

Based on historical analysis, the authors disclose the essential-meaningful characteristics of the concepts of “informatization” and “education” when interpreting the latter as a leading human-forming function; substantiate pedagogical conditions that can act as a qualitative characteristic of an integrated system that allows synthesizing the possibilities of traditional and modern-media approaches to the process of studying at a university, implementing their principles and resources.

The study was based on methods of theoretical analysis of the provisions of philosophical, historical, pedagogical, sociological, cultural science, as well as a set of justified and reliable information in the research practice of methods: retro-specific analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the use of co-temporal information technologies; theoretical methods (comparison, analogy, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization, classification).


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Author Biographies

Natalya IVANUSHKINA, Samara National Research University

(PhD in Pedagogics) is Associate Professor, the head of the Department of Pedagogy of Samara National Research University. Her areas of interest include creating an information environment in educational organizations. Ivanushkina is the author of 34 scientific, pedagogical publications.

Olga DONINA, Ulyanovsk State University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Pedagogics) is Professor of Ulyanovsk State University, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Donina is the author of 123 scientific-pedagogical publications.

Irina ARYABKINA, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Pedagogics) is Professor of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Aryabkina is the author of 112 scientific-pedagogical publications.

Galina ZHARKOVA, Ulyanovsk State University

(PhD, Dr. of Science in Pedagogics) is Professor of Ulyanovsk State University, Russia. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Zharkova is the author of 27 scientific-pedagogical publications.

Julia CHERNOVA, Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin

(PhD in Pedagogics) is Associate Professor of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin”. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Chernova is the author of 40 scientific, pedagogical publications.

Natalya GALIAKHMETOVA, Izhevsk State Medical Academy

(PhD in Pedagogics) is Associate Professor of Izhevsk State Medical Academy. Her areas of interest include theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy. Galiakhmetova is the author of 14 scientific-pedagogical publications.


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How to Cite

IVANUSHKINA, N., DONINA, O., ARYABKINA, I., ZHARKOVA, G., CHERNOVA, J., & GALIAKHMETOVA, N. (2020). Philosophical and Historical Aspects of the Problem of the Formation of the Informational-Educational Space. WISDOM, 16(3), 91–103.


