Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Definition of the Socio-Philosophical Concept of National Security and Justification of the Feasibility of Its Development in Russia


  • Elena MOROS Krasnoyarsk Railway Transport Institute, branch of Irkutsk State Transport University



socio-philosophical concept of national security, education system, educational security, national security


The article substantiates the necessity of developing a unique socio-philosophical concept of national security as one of the important components of social philosophy in the context of increasing global contradictions. The purpose of the research is to formulate a general definition of the socio-philosophical concept of national security. In this concept, the education system occupies an important position, since it ensures the quality of human preparation for a decent life in a healthy society, and also forms the intellectual and practical potential of the country’s population, which can ensure all aspects of the national security of our society. The development of this concept will allow us to form a complete picture of the country’s national security by creatively integrating the achievements of specific national security Sciences – military, state-political, economic, legal, as well as education security that has not yet been specifically identified.


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Author Biography

Elena MOROS, Krasnoyarsk Railway Transport Institute, branch of Irkutsk State Transport University

(PhD in Philosophy) is Associate Professor at Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport ‏- branch ‏of Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Her areas of in­terest include philosophy, political science, philosophy of education. Moros is the author of a large number of monographs and scientific articles. Recent publications: “The Education System as a Factor of Global Security”, “Foundations of the Socio-Philosophical Concept of National Security”, “The Education System as a Factor of Ensuring National Security” and “Values and Goals of the Modern Model of Education”.


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How to Cite

MOROS, E. (2020). Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Definition of the Socio-Philosophical Concept of National Security and Justification of the Feasibility of Its Development in Russia. WISDOM, 16(3), 116–123.


