Socio-Philosophical Analysis of Objective Factors of Modernization of Education System in Russia from the Standpoint of National Security Principles


  • Elena MOROS Krasnoyarsk Railway Transport Institute, branch of Irkutsk State Transport University



modernization, education system, objective factor, national security


The article reveals the nature and essence of objective factors, the nature of their impact on education, the emergence of possible risks and threats in the system of education and the training of new generations of the country from the standpoint of their safe existence in changing social conditions. Education is a pro­cess in which there is a purposeful translation of the system of social relations, while it makes it possible to form in a person significant for social norms of behaviour and activity, which together reproduces the entire system of socio-cultural relations. However, there is a high dynamics of development in society at all levels of the system of relationships, so many factors of different levels affect education. The purpose of the study is to determine the current external and internal factors of the modernization of the Russian education system. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve problems based on a socio-philosophical understanding of the factors of modernization of the educational space. An objective analysis of the current crisis in the national education system shows that it needs to be modernized.


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Author Biography

Elena MOROS, Krasnoyarsk Railway Transport Institute, branch of Irkutsk State Transport University

(PhD in Philosophy) is an Associate Professor at Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport ‏- branch ‏of Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Her areas of interest include philosophy, political science, philosophy of education. Moros is the author of a large number of monographs and scientific articles. Recent publications: “The Education System as a Factor of Global Security”, “Foundations of the Socio-Philosophical Concept of National Security”, “The Education System as a Factor of Ensuring National Security”, and “Values and Goals of the Modern Model of Education”.


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How to Cite

MOROS, E. (2021). Socio-Philosophical Analysis of Objective Factors of Modernization of Education System in Russia from the Standpoint of National Security Principles. WISDOM, 17(1), 134–145.


