Subjective Factors of Modernization of the Russian Educational System and Their Connection with the Problem of Education Security




modernization, education system, subjective factors, education security, national security


The article provides a socio-philosophical analysis of subjective interactions in education, which form a set of subjective factors of educational reforms from the standpoint of ensuring the security of the individual in education and the security of the country. The author aims to identify the subjective factors of modernization of the Russian education system that determine both the risk of degradation of the education system,and ways to strengthen and improve development. Modern social realities require that the system of Russian education, which has reliance on their own cultural traditions, not losing touch with the best achievements of education in the Russian Empire, the Soviet education system, but also incorporates the best of modern world experience of development of education and is based on the realities of education transformation in the global information society.


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Author Biography

Elena MOROS, Krasnoyarsk Railway Transport Institute, branch of Irkutsk State Transport University

(PhD in Philosophy) is an Associate Professor at Krasnoyarsk Railway Transport Institute, branch of Irkutsk State Transport University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Her areas of interest include philosophy, political science, philosophy of education. Moros is the author of a large number of monographs and scientific articles. Recent publications: “The Education System as a Factor of Global Security”, “Foundations of the Socio-Philosophical Concept of National Security”, “The Education System as a Factor of Ensuring National Security”, and “Values and Goals of the Modern Model of Education”.


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How to Cite

MOROS, E. (2021). Subjective Factors of Modernization of the Russian Educational System and Their Connection with the Problem of Education Security. WISDOM, 18(2), 77–84.


