The Expression of Dispositional Behavior and Psychological Attitudes in the Context of Social Risk


  • Srbuhi GEVORGYAN Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University
  • Vladimir KARAPETYAN Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Methodology, Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University
  • Mariam ISPIRYAN Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University
  • Alla DALLAKYAN Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Methodology, Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University



psychological attitudes, disposition, conscious or unconscious actions, activity, structural-operational components, confidence and self-confidence


The aim of the research is to reveal the distribution of psychological attitudes (preferences) of risk specialists according to the structural-operational components of the activity, to reveal the expression of social-psychological attitudes of self-confidence observed in specific situations with six-month changes, to review the connection among needs, situations and unconscious actions. Structural similarities of a person’s dispositional behavior and psychological attitudes are considered by us in terms of requirement, situation and unconscious actions. In a given social situation, the content of a person’s specific requirements can be significantly different depending on the specific role of the person. The psychological attitudes of professionals are mostly expressed in official activities, when a task arises to give preference to some structural-functional component (“motive-goal-action-result”). The analysis shows that changes in the social attitudes of professionals in the professional field related to the new situation and over time did not have a significant impact on the whole group. Meanwhile, the data of each participant has been changed to some extent.


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How to Cite

GEVORGYAN, S., KARAPETYAN, V., ISPIRYAN, M., & DALLAKYAN, A. (2022). The Expression of Dispositional Behavior and Psychological Attitudes in the Context of Social Risk. WISDOM, 23(3), 38–46.




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